I may have been sick this morning, but damned if I'm going to miss my cake decorating class that I paid for and of which there are only three! (First one doesn't count, it was just an orientation!) Tonight we did
clowns, and other drop
flowers. After my first practice clown sitting upright, we had to do one laying down and she said "Try to cross the arms in front of him so he doesn't look dead." To which I said, "Maybe I want him to look dead." So, I made a
clown that looked like he had been
thrown out of a 10 story building (sorry, to all the clowns that read my blog). Had I colored some frosting red I would have went to town with the whole display, but instead I just scooped him up and threw him back into the container to mix in again. But roses I like, so here are a few pics that I took at the end of class...
This is the second one I did and you can kind of tell that the icing in my bag was transitioning from the cream to the pink, not entirely on purpose, but it has a cool effect....

These next two are a more solid pink and after a little more practice. I have to say I wasn't a fan of my icing consistency because it gave me a kind of ruffled/ragged look on the end of the petals- but then again it does give it a peony look with those edges...hmm... peonies are one of my top favorite flowers, I definitely have something to experiment with this weekend....

I think they look beautiful....I like the ruffled effect. I will bring all my decorating equipment...I think you are doing a great job and I am glad you ditched the dreaded clown